For hidden strength
and a reinforced tomorrow.
Infrastructure is all around us—even when we don’t notice it. From bridges and buildings to surfaces and pipes, MITO® Materials can help builders and engineers move away from metal while giving essential infrastructure elements better strength, durability, and longevity.

By giving composites remarkable strength, MITO Materials can help the construction industry transition away from metal and concrete, without sacrificing strength and durability.

Greases & Lubricants
MITO Materials can be incorporated into the manufacturing process for window casings, composite panel walls, composite rebar, and composite wood siding—for added longevity and weather resistance.

Utility companies are increasingly turning to next-generation materials to reduce repairs and maintenance for towers, pipes, tanks, and roadways—and MITO Materials are part of that revolution.

Polyurethane foam is used for insulation, sealing, thermal management, and structural components. Adding MITO Materials to foam can enhance its existing properties, without changing the production process.

Energy grids rely on turbines and solar panels, but their repair and maintenance can be costly and disruptive. Incorporating MITO Materials into essential components can reduce failure rates and downtime.